
Introducing the IMA (Influencer Magazine Awards) 2024, dedicated to honoring outstanding Influencers, Entrepreneurs, Public Figures, and Internet Personalities from all sectors for their remarkable contributions!

With a diverse selection of 20+ categories, we celebrate individuals who have made a significant positive impact on our society through their charismatic personalities, profound knowledge, and exceptional expertise. Join us as we recognize those who inspire and uplift others with their extraordinary work! – By Influencer Magazine UK

Elevate Your Influence

Unlock your full potential by participating in the prestigious IMA 2024 Awards! Whether you nominate yourself or someone deserving, this is a chance to gain widespread recognition and celebrate outstanding achievements. Winning an IMA award boosts confidence, validates efforts, and opens doors to enhanced visibility and networking opportunities. The accolade also brings industry credibility, inspiring growth and fostering lasting impacts through advocating for social causes. Embrace this opportunity to elevate your influence, set new benchmarks, and leave a positive mark on society as an esteemed IMA award recipient.


Welcome to IMA 2024, where we proudly present an extensive array of award categories, ensuring a comprehensive exploration of every field and recognizing the most deserving achievers!

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Maximize Your Exposure at IMA 2024!

Gain unprecedented exposure as every nominee receives exclusive features in Influencer Magazine UK, extensive promotion across all our influential social media channels, and visibility to a vast partner network boasting over 10 million reach. Every nominee gets a bio page, an individual article about the nomination announcement, a post on all our social media channels (collectively over 250K+ followers), and all the deserving recognition! 

Reach a Global Audience Through Our Esteemed Partner Networks

Joining IMA aligns you with multiple prestigious brands ensuring that news of your nomination resonates throughout their networks. 

Celebrate Your Efforts, Set New Benchmarks, and Establish Your Personal Brand!

At IMA 2024, we celebrate excellence, acknowledging those who have made a remarkable impact in their respective fields. Participate now and propel yourself to new heights, setting unprecedented benchmarks in your industry and establishing your personal brand as a recognized influencer, entrepreneur, or trailblazer. Embrace the opportunity to showcase your achievements on a global stage, and let IMA 2024 be the platform that elevates your influence and celebrates your remarkable journey.

An Initiative by

For media, partnership, or any inquiries, please get in touch with our team by emailing: enquiries@influencermagazine.uk

From the Past Year (IMA - 2023)

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